Would you care to read about Murder in the Vatican?

I am not surprised at all about the plethora of conspiracies surrounding the earthly Empire under the guise of Religion called the Vatican. Murders and cover-ups, not to mention glaring and revolting incests, have been part and parcel  of the history of  the Vatican. All you need to do is to study its history, especially what went on during the Middle Ages.

The Vatican is the only religious organization that has established embassies all over the world, except for a handful of countries, one of which is, of course, Saudi Arabia.

It must also be noticed that the Vatican is the only religious organization that manages to command the allegiance of its worldwide subjects, the Catholics, through sophisticated brainwashing honed through almost two thousand years of practice.

To be a spiritual slave is much worse than to be a physical slave because while you are aware of your loss of freedom if you are physically enslaved, you ironically and perversely and of course unwittingly enjoy and delight in being a spiritual slave, with the result that you are willing to contribute money and labor to enrich your slave masters, the chief of whom, in case you are a Catholic, is none other than the Pope himself, the alleged representative of “God” on this planet.
Spiritual enslavement is an insidious and sophisticated process. Beware of it!
To be stupid is to be enslaved. To be weak is to be attacked.
Open your mind. Educate yourself. Read serious and challenging books. Be logical and informed.
This email is a public service.
Wissai, a reader of books and a student of 10 languages, a poet, and a writer of short stories in English, his favorite medium of self-expressions.
Ainsi Parlait/Thus Spoke/Así Dijo Wissai

On Apr 26, 2020, at 8:38 PM, wissai <wissai@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks for sharing.

Ainsi Parlait/Thus Spoke/Así Dijo Wissai

On Apr 26, 2020, at 7:58 PM, Th wrote:

Đọc cuốn này thì phải đọc cả cuốn kia
Người nào có đầu óc cởi mở thì mới dám / mới nên đọc
Đôi khi cứ mù quáng , không biết, mà lại tốt

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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