Sigmund Freud and His Descendants

Reading the interview brought a tsunami of thoughts to my mind.

Everything that rises will converge. A hard man is good to find. A life you save must first be your own.

SF was famous for using sex as one of the foundational concepts of understanding human behaviors. To explain means to understand.

SF had many descendants who are artists, the most famous among them so far is the painter Lucian Freud. LF even outdid Picasso in terms of sex drive and a proliferation of wives and children. Like Picasso, he had a long life and his paintings commanded huge amounts of money. 

I don’t profess to know much about Painting, but I do know I have artistic sensibilities in abundance. I even fancy that I am an artist with words. Arts in all manifestations move me. LF’s nude painting of his daughter Susan Boyt (he requested that she pose for him) struck me for its vitality and raw but subdued and original portrait of the unheard-of masculinity of female sexuality. Now I understand why his paintings are sold in the millions of dollars. You couldn’t look at the painting of his daughter and didn’t notice right away its original depiction of masculine vitality in female sexuality. The impact was immediate and memorable. You will never forget the experience. Though he and his daughter had frank discussions about sex, and he was a man of a powerful sex drive and domineering personality, it was a miracle that he didn’t have sex with her. Art sublimated him. 

Lucian Freud will not be forgotten. 

Every human wants to be respected and fondly remembered for having an impact on society on a grand scale; or contributing to Mankind’s progress, knowledge, or entertainment. However, only a few can. The rest of us are just humdrum, pedestrian, mediocre beings of clay, and nothing more. So, to all the loud-mouthed and stupid monkeys out there on the Internet forums, like ĐVA and NAG for instance, before you get inordinately proud of who you are, ask yourself if you are exceptional and good in certain aspects and indeed will leave some positive legacy behind for the posterity. Stupid and nonsensical Noise you have made on the Internet forums will not count as a contribution. Instead, it just makes you look like a noisy, annoying, attention-seeking, lonely monkey. 


May 20, 2024

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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