Poker, Love, and Knowledge/Wisdom/Understanding 

Poker, Love, and Knowledge/Wisdom/Understanding 

Life is the sum of our experiences and of finding out who we are and what we are made of before we disintegrate and are gone for good. I never believe in reincarnation, the afterlife, and similar bullshits. An individual life is a one-time deal, ephemeral, “meaningless”, and “absurd”. It is just a temporary embodiment/manifestation of Energy. Most humans are happy and proud of themselves and of their lives when they have a lot of money, power, good children, fame, or respect of others. 

I think my drive for survival is to prove to myself that I am a human above average in certain areas and that I am not a humdrum, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, undistinguished asshole that only makes a lot of stupid, empty noises while alive and then is heard no more. I do want to leave a legacy in a certain field. I do want to be remembered. 

I love danger and I love challenges. Playing Poker is a dangerous test of seeing if I am indeed a smart and brave human. I now realize that there are indeed many humans who are much smarter and braver than me. I hugely respect top poker players who have made tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. I have also met thousands of players who are not smart and brave enough. I have learned so much about people and myself in the poker room. 

Yesterday two of the top 50 players in the world happened to visit the poker room where I ply my trade. They were there to do a photoshoot with friends and then played a small, friendly game afterward. Fans and admirers constantly came to them for selfies and autographs. They basked in happiness. The two have written books about Poker and I have read the books. 

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I have had a rich sex and love life. To me, Sex is important but over-rated yet it is a window into a person’s soul and character. Donald Trump is pretty much just an animal when it comes to Sex. To him, Sex is just an expression of Power and Domination and Satisfaction of animal lust. Sex is not an expression of Love for him. The various notorious sex scandals and escapades in his life have proven his character. 

To me, Love is indeed extremely important and much more so than Sex, but it is slippery and rare. Very often, people love themselves much more than their beloved. True Love occurs when you love your beloved much more than you love yourself and you are willing to die for him/her. Love means Affection and Respect. For the record once more, Essesehen is one of the two women that I know are blessed with Nobelese Oblige. It has rubbed off on me. 

Language Learning, Reading, and Writing also help me understand who I am. I respect Facts and Truths. Meanwhile, I keep trying to survive as I really want to know what will happen on the world stage in the next 20 years as I think they will.


May 27, 2024

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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