

Ask a man what he fears the most, apart from Death. His answer, if he gives you one, would tell you who and what kind of a human he really is. In my case, I fear Stupidity, Ignorance, Failure, and Loss of Self-Respect the most. Believe it or not, I don’t fear Death, and I don’t believe in Reincarnation, Afterlife, and Similar Bullshits. 
I have been aware that my mistakes and failures in life derived from my stupidity and lack of knowledge. So I have diligently worked on improving my mind. 
Gender is predominantly binary and Sex among humans is more than just to achieve reproduction and to pass on the genes. I understand there exist exceptions. About 10% of humans are left-handed. Additionally, about 10% of humans are non-heterosexual. So about 1% of humans are left-handed and non-heterosexual.
You can understand the world in terms of duality although deeper reality transcends duality. The universe is Energy and its manifestations. We don’t know WHY the Universe came into being, but we think we know HOW it did. 
I think we can understand human behaviors if we understand we humans individually are mere temporary embodiments of Energy, the life force that wants to perpetuate itself. 
I think all true and higher humans experience fears of stupidity, ignorance, and loss of dignity and self-respect. They also have an active conscience and a sense of shame. 
I happen to believe I am a member of the tribe of true and higher human beings. I firmly believe I am superior to all of my stupid detractors. Those who are superior to me would be amused and understanding of my behaviors instead of loudly and stupidly condemning them. Lesser humans all feel angry and uncomfortable and insecure and a bit ashamed of their worth when meeting someone like me who stridently asserts his superiority in some aspects. Inferiority Complex does have many manifestations. Cowards all behave like that. I never feel uncomfortable and insecure when meeting humans who are superior to me in some ways. I would eagerly want to learn from them if I can. I would never lie about myself and about them. I am a student at heart. There are billions of humans superior to me in some aspects. Attachment to and Identification with Ego isn’t a sign of wisdom and enlightenment. Life is much more than comparing oneself with others though that action/process is automatic for survival. Life, for a human being, is the process of growth and being useful to one’s loved ones, the tribe and to humanity if possible; and then embracing death while being at peace and contentment. 
A quote from a Dharma talk by Dr. Chris Hoff delivered at Empty Moon Zen gathering on May 18, 2024:

“As Dogen said, study the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things.

Bodhisattvas everywhere.

Back to shame. Or my shame.

The Buddha called shame the bright guardian of the world and a noble treasure, something of such value, that it could keep you from a life of regret and harm.

According to Buddhist monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu, there are two kinds of shame — the unhealthy shame that’s the opposite of what gets described as self-esteem, and a healthy shame that’s the opposite of shamelessness. It is this second kind of shame that the Buddha calls a bright guardian and a treasure. Thanissaro Bhikkhu also argues that when all shame gets pathologized and is not approached mindfully, it goes underground in the mind, where people can’t think clearly about it, and then sends out tentacles that spread harm all around us.

The Buddha believed with proper training healthy shame could be a useful antidote, helping to bring the topic into the open and to show that shame can be a great force for good and personal accountability.”

I am ashamed of myself everyday, are you? 
WissaiMay 22, 2024

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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