“A Truer Reality Beyond Reality” by Hannah Arendt

Wissai’s Comment:

You are what you think, speak, read, write, and post on the Net forums. Humans are not equal in essence and abilities. Let’s face it. Most humans are not intelligent, informed, and moralistic and yet have an inflated view of themselves. They have the Dunning-Kruger effect. Hell, they don’t even have true pride and self-respect. They don’t respect certain Facts and Truths. 


‘A Truer Reality Beyond Reality’: Hannah Arendt’s Warning About How Totalitarianism Takes Root
A Q&A with a leading Arendt scholar adapts the philosopher’s ideas to today’s politics.

Read in POLITICO: https://apple.news/AeiXqCr1WTRWjznYKqNs5Fw

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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