Silence and Understanding or Lack thereof

Secret Teachings Of The Gospel Of Mark

Ah, Silence. Believe it or not, I know it well. Sooner or later, most thinkers and writers would mention it, some more cryptically than others. 

It is hard to live with humans because Silence is difficult (Nietzsche).

It takes 2 years for Man to learn to speak and 60 for him to learn to be silent(Hemingway). I came across this line in Spanish. I like Hemingway. He was a talented writer and a deeply-conflicted man. He knew about Courage and Grace under Pressure and  Death intimately. His father, a doctor, killed himself. So did Hemingway with a big gun. Booze would do a lot of harm to you, eventually. That is why I only drink alcohol very sparingly and only with meals. 

Dijo Hemingway

Whereof one cannot speak thereof, one must be silent (Wittgenstein).

Many religious training traditions impart the value of Silence and Stillness. 

I talk a lot. I am a chatter box, but I know Silence. I am a self-conflicted person, too. Everybody is, to some extent. Some are more pronounced than others. 

My mother often told me to speak only when it was absolutely necessary and when I did, I should avoid saying in a manner that offends people. I am stupid. I rarely adhere to my Mom’s counsel. But I am not the only stupid person I know. Many are much more stupid than me, especially when they voice their feelings of envy, inferiority and inadequacy. They are emotional and intellectual cowards. I despise them. I am not like them at all. If you are better than me in certain areas, I am fine with that. In fact, you inspire me. You force me to work harder upon myself. I am a fierce competitor, but I am not a lazy and cheap coward in denying your superiority over me in certain aspects. I accept Facts and Truths. I don’t lie about myself and about others. There is nothing more despicable and funny than the spectacle that a human who has no self-respect lies about himself so he can have some respect from his fellow humans. Also, a liar always thinks everybody else lies. So upon seeing that I bragged constantly that I could navigate in 4 languages and have a smattering knowledge of 6 others, an asshole accused me of being a liar and engaged in a childish game of lying about myself. He didn’t know that I had a lot of pride and self-respect. I would not brag about my linguistic facility if it was not true. I lost any lingering respect for the scumbag ever since. It must also be said the asshole only has a good command of one language (French). The command of his mother tongue Vietnamese and English is terrible despite being born in Vietnam and living there for the first 30 years of his life and has lived in the U. S. for over 40 years. He writes Vietnamese and English like a stupid and ignorant schoolboy. In fact, many loud-mouthed Vietnamese monkeys that are active on the Internet forums do so. 

I absolutely stay away and have no affection none whatsoever to those who treat me with contempt. And I would use their contempt to improve myself. I may not have respect from others, but I always have pride and self-respect. That has made me become who I am. I don’t lie about myself and about others. I don’t beg, steal, or rob people of money so I can survive. I don’t have a beggar’s or robber’s mentality, like several Mitchongs I do know up close and personal.

I keep to heart words of insults from stupid people. The more I live, the more I am amazed by the stupidity, ignorance,  ingratitude,  self-righteousness, and sheer animalism of many human animals. Inferiority complex has many manifestations. 


May 18, 2024

About wissai

A wannabe writer who is interested in literature, politics, history, and philosophy
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